I ask for a signed release form before every session – this form states that I retain ownership of my photos and may use them for commercial use and self-promotion. I am very grateful to every family that allows me to use photos from our session. I do ask a $20 fee if you choose to decline, to compensate for the loss in my ability to advertise my services. Thank you for understanding.
Sessions are about 1 hour long. This may be longer or shorter depending on our flow, baby’s mood, etc.
While I am building my portfolio, I appreciate your tips. Half fee deposit will be due at time of booking, half due when photos are received. I will be charging for the session, and additional tips are welcome if you love your photos. If you would like to tip in the form of gift cards, the best cards for me are: Etsy, Amazon, Target, Kenmore Camera, or your favorite local business.
My venmo is @justice-erikson and my paypal is jlynnquaker@gmail.com.
I will not necessarily keep photos stored long-term and clients are encouraged to download and back up all photos.
Newborns: The best time to photograph a newborn is when they are 4-14 days old. Please try to time our session for just after one of your newborn’s longest alert periods and give them a large feed and diaper change at the start of our session as I am setting up. This will help to ensure that baby is sleepy and content for our session! Please wear a dark solid-colored shirt on the day of your session so that we can capture a few photos of you with your baby. Even if you think you don’t look good right now, I encourage you to just take the opportunity to capture this moment in time for your family to look back on.
Older babies: Please have whatever outfits you would like baby to wear on-hand at this time of our shoot as well as any other special items you may wish your child to be photographed with. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to include more than 2-3 outfits per session. Please make sure your child is well-fed and well-rested for our session so we can maximize the smiles!
Toddlers and other young children at the session: Sibling photos are so sweet! However, young children usually only have about 15 minutes of attention span to devote to this opportunity. It is best to get this in at the beginning or the end of the session and have a dedicated caregiver watch the older child for the rest of our session together to make sure that we can work without too many interruptions.
Health and Safety: I will wear an N95 mask at all times during our sessions for the health of your family and mine. I generally ask that you return the courtesy and be masked as well. One caregiver of the child being photographed may remove their mask while we are actively shooting photos to help engage and comfort the child. I will sanitize or wash my hands at the start of our session and periodically during it as well. I make an effort to keep all of my equipment and materials clean and sanitized as much as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. For newborns, I ask that a caregiver stay close by to spot any posing that your child may try to wriggle out of and to calm and reassure your child during the process. As much as I adore babies and have lots of experience with them, I am no replacement for your child’s favorite people! Wearing a mask and holding a camera also makes comforting babies myself much more challenging. Thank you for your collaboration in getting great photos of your kiddo!
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